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With SolMate Ai algorithmic matching approaches, SolMate Ai offers the greatest way to locate your soulmate by matching you with a possible spouse based on similar data, information, and photographs.

100% Affection Guaranteed

SolMate wants to develop a sophisticated AI flirt bot that will enable you to chat your way out of loneliness. You won’t ever have to be concerned about being alone with SolMate.

Simple features like extra swipes, viewing “hot” selected individuals in your region, and thorough filters—things the original SolMate app lacks—are also connected with the SolMate monetization system, depending on the amount of tokens possessed. This promotes the sustainability of SolMate Tokens and gives the SolMate AI Team additional space for growth.

Stake your $SOLMATEAI and earn passive income. Our user friendly platform will easily guide you to get more $SOLMATEAI rewards for 30 days lock.

Get additional perks by collecting our Original SolMate NFTs, including VIP access to the SolMate Club, Premium SolMate Flirt Bot, and premium features on the SolMate APP.

Website Launch, Telegram Launch, Medium Launch, Reddit Launch, WhitePaper Release.

Stage 1
Stage 2

Crypto Marketing Campaign, Community Engagement Campaign, Contract Creation and testing Staking developments and testing Contract Deployment, Contract Verification Audit, confirmation KYC confirmation.

List on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, 500+ Holders, 1 million Marketcap, Youtube Campaign, Twitter Campaign, Official launch of SolMate AI Flirt Bot

Stage 3
Stage 4

SolMate App Market Analysis: Conduct comprehensive research on the market status and AI capabilities to guide AI algorithm design.

Developers Selection: Choose professional developers who have a background in the AI field and Dating application field.

Stage 5
Stage 6

SolMate AI Algorithm Creation: Create an AI algorithm to mimic real human emotions by selecting the right engines, platforms, and optimizations.

SolMate APP Development: Build an APP for users to access the SolMate app, finalize the user interface, integrate the AI algorithm, and incorporate AI love bot and management features.

Stage 7
Stage 8

Testing and Improvement: Test the DAPP extensively and make optimizations before launch by conducting simulations and real-world tests.

Launch: Launch the SolMate APP to the public with marketing and promotion efforts.

Stage 9
Stage 10

Ongoing Maintenance: Continuously maintain and update the DAPP and AI algorithm to keep them effective and relevant by monitoring the master strategy, taking user feedback into account, and making adjustments as needed.

The goal of SolMate AI is to investigate artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to upend the bitcoin online dating market.

Contact Information

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